Ditaleni - Elegant Signature
Ditaleni - Elegant Signature Ditaleni - Elegant Signature Ditaleni - Elegant Signature

Ditaleni is an elegant signature font with with a touch of handwriting style. this font is perfect for creating signature logos and watermarks for photography studio or wedding invitation.

Ditaleni includes full set of beautifull hand lettered uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, a large range of punctuation and many beautiful ligatures.

it has an extensive lingual support, covering European and Asian Latin scripts. The font contains all characters you'll ever need, including all punctuation and numbers.

You will get:

Ditaleni TTF, OTF, WOFF

Thank You, Subectype

Ditaleni - Elegant Signature Download NowView Gallery


Scratchman is an exquisite display font with a unique style. This is the perfect font for making original and outstanding designs!

Frelline Script
Frelline Script Frelline ScriptFrelline Script

Hi designer,

Let me introduce my latest Frelline Script font.

Frelline Script is a handwritten font that I made very carefully so it looks very interesting.

Frelline looks beautiful on wedding invitations, thank you cards, quotes, greeting cards, logos, business cards and more. Perfect for use in ink or watercolors. Including beginning and end letters, alternative support and many languages.

I made this font very carefully so that each letter looked very unique and had various beautiful alternatives.

This font has two versions namely the regular and italic version so you are free to choose the version you like.

Files included:

To enable the OpenType Stylistic alternates, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe Indesign & CorelDraw X6-X7, Microsoft Word 2010 or later versions. There are additional ways to access alternates/swashes, using Character Map (Windows), Nexus Font (Windows), Font Book (Mac) or a software program such as PopChar (for Windows and Mac).

How to access all alternative characters:

Thank you very much for seeing I hope you like it.

Estrude EstrudeEstrude

Estrude is a modern, bold and thick lettered handwritten font. It is suitable for any branding, product packaging, invitation, quote, t-shirt, label, poster, logo that you wish to develop.

Taqilla Co
Taqilla Co Taqilla CoTaqilla Co

Taqilla Co is perfect for photography, watermark, social media posts, advertisements, logos & branding, invitation, product designs, label, stationery, wedding designs, product packaging, special events or anything that need handwriting taste.

What’s Included :

- Taqilla Co serif (OTF/TTF/WOFF)

- Standard & Multilingual glyphs

- Ligature

- Works on PC & Mac

- Simple installations

- Accessible in the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even work on Microsoft Word.

- PUA Encoded Characters – Fully accessible without additional design software.

- Fonts include multilingual support. 

Thank you for your purchase!

Hope you enjoy with our font!

 and illustration collection bundle
 and illustration collection bundle  and illustration collection bundle and illustration collection bundle

This is a bundle of my handwritten fonts and illustrations collections. They include 20 fonts from 4 font collections, Photoshop stamp brushes, and high resolution textures, that are perfect to create cute handmade designs, such as logos, packaging, prints and postcards, patterns, and social media posts.

Included in this bundle:

Moon And Stars font and illustrations

Morning Magpie brush font and illustrations

Leaves and Twigs font trio + extras

Honey and Smoke font and illustration collection

and illustration collection bundleDownload NowView Gallery

Zeitoon Sans
Zeitoon Sans Zeitoon SansZeitoon Sans

Meet Zeitoon Sans, a happy handlettered font.  Zeitoon is playful, and features a smooth edge making it a great candidate for crafting & vinyl cutting projects!

Zeitoon Sans is best for:

- crafting & vinyl cutting projects on your Cricut or Silhouette machine
- quote graphics for social media
- logos + branding
- classrooms & teachers, with a childlike handwritten touch
- header elements that need a fun look & feel

Zeitoon Sans includes:

- full upper + lowercase characters
- numbers + punctuation
- Western European Language Support
- PUA-encoding
- .otf, .ttf, and webfont files